Contributing and community guidelines

10. Contributing and community guidelines#

If you want to comment, expand, rewrite, edit parts of this handbook, please follow these simple guidelines.

  1. Open a github issue in the project space for this handbook at eglerean/aiqualitative#issues

    • If you want to stay anonymous, get in touch with Enrico and he will open the issue for you

  2. Through the github issue forum, people can discuss on the proposed improvements and who can write/rewrite/edit what

    • You can open an issue even if you do not have time to propose improvements. E.g. it can be a request for a new section.

  3. When the assignment is clear, you can then proceed with the editing. You can do it via github web interface, or you can use your own tools and let Enrico take care of the github part. Please write the text in MarkDown format. If you need an open markdown editor, please try

  4. The edit goes live and your name is added to the contributors (unless you want to stay anonymous).

Please remember that the main target audience are researchers at Aalto University. Contributors from Aalto university will have priority over other open contributions (e.g. if you two persons want to rewrite the same section and one of them is from Aalto, then the person at Aalto will be the main assignee for the task and others can coordinate with them).

Please note that by contributing to this work you accept that your content is released under the same license CC-BY-SA. If you want to maintain stronger copyright of what you write, then maybe this open handbook is not the best venue for that.

We do not have our own code of conduct, but we basically follow the one for CodeRefinery If you need to report code of conduct issues to parties not involved with this book, please contact the email address: researchdata at